Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Getting Started Resources

Looking to get started?

Below, you'll find the resources to get you started.
But first, let's determine which site is best for you.

www.simCEO.org - Our classroom version. Instructors can set up a simulation with their own students. The resources provided below are optional and encouraged as an easy way to get started.
                                                                 Download the Classroom Version  

www.courses.simceo.org - Instructors can offer any course on our interactive platform - and earn money. Users from around the world can join.  (All prospective instructors must meet certification requirements.) LEARN MORE about courses: FAQs
Download the Public Courses Version

Take a look below. If you can't find what you want, let us know.

1. Download our Start-Up Guides. (See above.)

2. Review Set-Up Charts and Video. Complete our "Instructor Prompts: Questions to Guide Your Planning"

To get you started, we've shared a short video to highlight why we created simCEO - and how it has the power to transform learning.   

The power of simCEO lies in teacher creativity. Start by considering the content you wish to target - in economics, entrepreneurship,  science, financial literacy, math, history, or just about anything. See how students apply your content within your simCEO context. Target the topics you desire at complexity level of your students!

Check our simple chart: Authentic Student Learning to help you understand the power of effectively customizing simCEO to leverage it's powerful interactive environment.  

When you're ready to brainstorm ideas, start with our Instructor Prompts: Questions To Guide Your Planning.

Customizing simCEO for Authentic Student Learning

  • Customize the business plans, the simCEO environment, or share bulletin board messages to integrate content you want to see addressed at the level of complexity you desire?
  • Automatically add news articles (real or fictional) to keep the simulation dynamic and to assess students' ability to take correct actions?
  • Plan how and when can students authentically reflect on their (in)actions to allow you to assess their understanding?

3. Join a Free Training Course

Get a feel for simCEO and get introduced to the basics of setting up your own simulation as you play in the role of a student. Then, transition into setting up your own course. You will get all the help you need within our free Training Course. 

4. Start Your Own Experience. Choose a Version

        Classroom Version                 or                      Public Version 

Test drive simCEO as an instructor       Join an existing class today. Or, become an 
for your students with a free                  an instructor and offer your own course to

7-day simulation. Add your                    users around the world. View common FAQs
students and get started.                       for our Public Courses.

1. Register at www.simceo.org        1. View courses at https://courses.simceo.org
2. Learn how to create your free      2. Join as a student. Or, create your own
simulation with this short video.            course to offer.

Questions? Want advice? Schedule a free 15 minute consultation
If you want help maximizing student learning within this environment, we're here to help. Schedule a 15-minute free consultation with us.

Move beyond content recall, and harness student energy and engagement to see if they can apply knowledge in an authentic simulation. Be creative, and push student learning to new heights.

We're always on the lookout for instructors interested in joining a pilot program to help us research the innovative learning within simCEO.

Still have a question?
Login and open up a support ticket or email us at support@simceo.org 

Visit www.simceo.org (Classroom Site) or www.courses.simceo.org (Public Site)
Learn more about how we hope to change learning.
Attend one of our webinars for instructors.
Interested in partnering to foster youth entrepreneurship?
Interested in joining a pilot program?  Help us research the learning effectiveness of simCEO, and get cool stuff!
Follow us on Twitter @simCEO and join our Facebook Group

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